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PostgreSQL Tutorial/PostgreSQL Python/Handle Transactions in Python

PostgreSQL Python: Transactions

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to handle PostgreSQL transactions in Python.

This tutorial picks up from where the Updating Data in a Table Tutorial left off.

Introduction to transactions in Python

In the psycopg2 package, the connection class is responsible for managing transactions.

When you send the first SQL statement to the PostgreSQL database using a cursor object, psycopg2 initiates a new transaction.

Subsequentially, all the following statements are executed within the same transaction. If any statement encounters an error, psycopg2 will abort the entire transaction.

The connection class has two methods for concluding a transaction:

  • commit() – Use this method to permanently apply all changes to the PostgreSQL database.
  • rollback() – Call this method to discard the changes.

Closing a connection object by calling the close() method or deleting it using del will also trigger an implicit rollback:



del conn

Alternatively, you can set the autocommit attribute of the connection object to True. This ensures that psycopg2 executes every statement and commits it immediately.

The autocommit mode can be particularly useful when executing statements that need to operate outside a transaction, such as CREATE DATABASE and VACUUM.

The following shows a typical pattern for managing a transaction in psycopg2:

import psycopg2

conn = None
    conn = psycopg2.connect(config)
    cur = conn.cursor()

    # execute 1st statement

    # execute 2nd statement

    # commit the transaction

    # close the cursor
except psycopg2.DatabaseError as error:
    if conn:
    if conn:

Managing transactions using context managers

Starting from psycopg 2.5, the connection and cursor are context managers therefore you can use them in the with statement:

with psycopg2.connect(config) as conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:

The psycopg2 commits the transaction if no exception occurs within the with block, otherwise, it rolls back the transaction.

Unlike other context manager objects, exiting the with block does not close the connection but only terminates the transaction. Consequentially, you can use the same connection object in the subsequent with statements in another transaction as follows:

conn = psycopg2.connect(config)

# transaction 1
with conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:

# transaction 2
with conn:
    with conn.cursor() as cur:


PostgreSQL transaction example

We will use the parts and vendor_parts tables in the suppliers database:

parts_vendors_tablesSuppose you need to add a new part and assign the vendors who supply the part at the same time.

To achieve this, you can do as follows:

  • First, insert a new row into the parts table and get the part id.
  • Then, insert rows into the vendor_parts table.

The following add_part() function demonstrates the steps:

import psycopg2
from config import load_config

def add_part(part_name, vendor_list):
    # statement for inserting a new row into the parts table
    insert_part = "INSERT INTO parts(part_name) VALUES(%s) RETURNING part_id;"

    # statement for inserting a new row into the vendor_parts table
    assign_vendor = "INSERT INTO vendor_parts(vendor_id,part_id) VALUES(%s,%s)"

    conn = None
    config = load_config()

        with psycopg2.connect(**config) as conn:
            with conn.cursor() as cur:
                # insert a new part
                cur.execute(insert_part, (part_name,))

                # get the part id
                row = cur.fetchone()
                if row:
                    part_id = row[0]
                    raise Exception('Could not get the part id')

                # assign parts provided by vendors
                for vendor_id in vendor_list:
                    cur.execute(assign_vendor, (vendor_id, part_id))

                # commit the transaction
    except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
        if conn:


if __name__ == '__main__':
    add_part('SIM Tray', (1, 2))
    add_part('Speaker', (3, 4))
    add_part('Vibrator', (5, 6))
    add_part('Antenna', (6, 7))
    add_part('Home Button', (1, 5))
    add_part('LTE Modem', (1, 5))

2) Execute the module

First, open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Unix-like systems.

Second, run the following command to execute the module:


3) Verify transaction

First, connect to the suppliers on the PostgreSQL server:

psql -U postgres -d suppliers

Second, retrieve data from the parts table:

SELECT * FROM parts;


part_id |  part_name
       1 | SIM Tray
       2 | Speaker
       3 | Vibrator
       4 | Antenna
       5 | Home Button
       6 | LTE Modem
(6 rows)

Third, query data from the vendor_parts table:

SELECT * FROM vendor_parts;


vendor_id | part_id
         1 |       1
         2 |       1
         3 |       2
         4 |       2
         5 |       3
         6 |       3
         6 |       4
         7 |       4
         1 |       5
         5 |       5
         1 |       6
         5 |       6
(12 rows)

4) Test a failed transaction

Let’s insert another part, but this time, we intentionally use an invalid vendor id for demonstration purposes.

The program should not add a new part without assigning it to a vendor.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # no rows inserted into the parts and vendor_parts tables
    add_part('Power Amplifier', (99,))

An exception occurred.

insert or update on table "vendor_parts" violates foreign key constraint "vendor_parts_vendor_id_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (vendor_id)=(99) is not present in table "vendors".

You can query data from the parts and vendor_parts tables again. There will be no new data, meaning that the program works as expected.

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  • Use the commit() method to permanently apply all changes to the database.
  • Use the rollback() method to discard the changes.

Last updated on

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